Our Timeline!
NOV 2018
This is our first picture together! We started hanging out because we were in Ms. Brunig's AP Statistics class together and I remember you asking me to go to get lunch at the Co-Op together! Then, we started having more lunches together in the library but of course we couldn't actually eat in the library.
DEC 2018
One of our first big dates together! We went to breakfast at iHop (we will go back again) and then to Oblbrich Gardens with a lot of driving around throughout the day!
FEB 2019
Another first! Our first Valentine's Day together! All our pictures from this day came from the West High Counselor's Office but you still looked very cute and took quite a few photos with some strange filters on. This is good to note and you will see these photos again soon.
MAY 2019
Prom! A very exciting time and I loved being able to dress up with you! Though the festivities may not have been for me I was glad to be there and do it with you. I'm quite glad I got to go to this one with you because I was not going to go to mine even if it wasn't canceled for Covid. I love looking back at these photos and hopefully we can do a formal event together again soon!
MAY 2019 2
Our 6 month anniversary! Again we did not take many pictures but you made me a very cute scrapbook of photos (3 days late I might add) and one of the gifts I got you early was a pack of Pokemon cards! You better still have those!
AUG 2019
You went off to college and left me behind :( This was the start of a lot of long distance unfortunately but there is no one I would rather do it with!
NOV 2019
Our 1 year anniversary! Once again no great pictures but apparently we decided to take these gorgeous shots of my and the love of my life, bless her soul and may she rest in power. I can't believe we made it this far but still so glad we got to spend this day and the past year together!
JUL 2021
We got back together officially and I couldn't have been happier. It was tough to be apart from you but it made me all the happier to be back with you! I asked you to be my girlfriend again on this day that we also took a trip to the dells together! Waterjets and deer were a great way to celebrate a new anniversary!
OCT 2021
You came to visit me at school for the first time! We had a great trip in New York first where the highlight was, of course, Cornelia St. Then, we had a few days in New Haven even though it isn't nearly as fun as NYC. I'm so glad you came and I really loved this October break because you came!
JUL 2022
Now here we are! Our second one year anniversary! I'm so glad we get to be together again and that you like this present! I can't wait for what comes next!
OCT 2022
Our trip to Boston! A very nice city and I had a great time visiting it with you!
FEB 2023
We finally made it out to Mystic! The famed city according to your aunt! I loved this aquarium and I'm so glad you came out to visit again!
MAR 2023
THE Eras Tour and our amazing roadtrip! I had so much fun on this trip and I'm so glad that we got to do this together! Again soon!
MAY 2023
Your graduation day! What an experience and you did it all with three whole majors under your belt! My smart girl! I'm so proud of you!
JUL 2023
Here we are again! This time at our FIRST two year anniversary! I love you so much and I can't wait to see what comes next!